Erasmus+ Project
About the project
VET as enabler
Excellent and inclusive European VET is equally necessary for the competitiveness of European enterprises and a well-functioning European labour market.
Apprenticeships and work-based learning embedded in a real-life work environment improve employability. VET equips our labour force with knowledge, skills and competences that are relevant for the ever-changing labour market and offers upskilling and re-skilling for inclusion and excellence.
Passing through formal VET education provided in formal educational system ensures our labour force will be well equipped with theoretical knowledge and skills to learn.
Non-formal education in European VET is strongly affected by increasing digitalisation and climate changes and needs to be stressed out even more due to the Covid-19 pandemic and related social boundaries.
Multi-dimensional approach in VET
Moreover, growing demand for STEM skills and the increasing need to constantly upskill and reskill throughout a person’s working life will be easier in case of promoting the 3-dimensional approach in VET embedded in our initiative called VET3D.
VET3D project is trying to react on the current challenges of European VET through mapping the situation in specific EU countries and design specific programmes focusing on merging formal, non-formal and work-based trainings with the overall aim to provide upskilling of current VET students considered as future labour force.
Project activities
The project activities are based on the principle “map – research – create – validate – disseminate”. The mapping will be performed at the very beginning and experts will research existing barriers and challenges in terms of digital up-skilling in project partner countries in VET sector.
Within project, also VET learning models will be researched across 4 EU countries to offer the research-based approach for future-proof VET. The aim is to create so called “SKILLS INTELIGENCE DATA BASE” resulting from the mentioned actions. This data base will support the empowerment of transversal skills useful for employability throughout VET learner’s study. Experts will make sure wide set of different training experiences (school work alternation, internships, non-formal education experiences) are embedded within 3 key skill priorities: digital, intercultural, entrepreneurial.
In an age where most adolescents are living their second lives through smartphones, project plans to launch VET3D Mobile application offering existing courses aimed at developing soft skills. Besides the possibility to search in the list of existing courses, the application will also offer new, interactive courses focused on set of soft skills identified as needed in mapping phase. In total, there will be 3 new application-run courses developed by VET3D experts.
Finally, project will develop online training materials for VET teachers to be able to guide students through formal, non-formal and work-placed training digitally. VET educators can boost their e-leadership in post-pandemic era.
Our visions:
- Increased European employability
- Excellent and inclusive European VET
- Increased competition in the European labour market
Our Project Partners
Project Results
is the analysis of framework model and transferable competencies and practices that will strengthen and improve cross sectoral cooperation in VET field,in the EU and selected Member States, specifically Member States represented by the partnership that will identify Key competences and soft skills model in Vocational Education and Training for VET students to provide elements for the design of the innovative 3D model.
National reports:
You can find it here
An analysis implemented through RESEARCH ACTIVITIES based on: 1) document research 2) SWOT analysis 3) expert interviews; 4) survey of VET educators. The independent variables of the research model are formal, non-formal, work-based learning scales, dependent variables – VET training model. International literature review will be conducted before research model development based on double-peer-reviewed international publications from last decade (2010-2020), thus, giving this research the novelty of scholars’ findings.
You can find it here
Α database that supports the empowerment of transversal skills useful for employability in the frame of a customised path lasting from the first to the last year of vet training including and integrating in a structured way a wide set of different training experiences (school work alternation, internships, non formal education experiences) towards increase post-diploma placement results. The database will be designed as a platform with multiple educational resources available for the empowerment of transversal skills through an enhanced integration of 3 learning dimensions: non formal learning, non formal learning, work based learning.
You can find it here
A mobile application within the project, which will offer students the opportunity to find existing courses aimed at developing soft skills in all dimensions of VET education. Besides the possibility to search in the list of existing courses, the application will also offer new, interactive courses focused on soft skills created within our project.
will focus on enhancing methodological and pedagogical capacities in trainers and teachers so as to enable them not only to use the new blended technologies in their everyday working environment but also to develop practical experience in making teaching and learning more flexible and more responsive to the student’s needs in the soft skills empowerment area.
Project partnership launched anonymous national surveys in 4 countries for VET students and teachers!
VET3D project aims to integrate soft skills into VET curricula and help our VET students to become more confident as personalities, future professionals and entrepreneurs.
Please visit survey platform and fill in Student survey in English, Latvian, Greek, Italian, Czech languages and help to improve VET education across EU!
Student survey link:
Project partnership launched anonymous national surveys in 4 countries for VET students and teachers!
VET3D project aims to integrate soft skills into VET curricula and help our VET students to become more confident as personalities, future professionals and entrepreneurs.
Please visit survey platform and fill in Teacher survey in English, Latvian, Greek, Italian, Czech languages and help to improve VET education across EU!
Teacher survey link:
achieve your goals
Keep in Touch!
- Evropska rozvojova agentura, s.r.o:
- European Institute for Local Development:
- Thalis Civil Non-profit company:
- Novareckon srl:
- Project NET:
- Adolph Kolping Gastronomic High School
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.